1. We pay all received client monies into a client bank account within three business days' of receipt.
2. We ensure all monies received by automated transfer is received into a client bank account.
3. We have the titles of all our clients bank accounts easily distinguished from one another.
4. We pay all mixed remittances into a client bank account.
5. Any removed monies for goods or services and monies owed to We Let Management Services Limited are removed from a client bank account at least every calendar month.
6. Our client data is securely controlled and protected.
7. We treat unidentified transactions as client money until they are identified.
8. We repay all client monies when due and pay any amounts owing to clients as they fall due without delay.
9. Ensure there are always sufficient funds in the account to pay all amounts owing to clients.
10. We ensure that we maintain records that show any and all transactions.
11. We withdraw commission and fees when they are due and payable.
12. When we receive fees and commissions in instalments, we only withdraw due and payable commission or fees on the instalments received.